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Regular Workshop – Samsara Indonesia


Regular Workshop

Samsara’s first regular workshop was about breast self-exam where women were taught to self-detect breast cancer as early as possible. It was conducted in 2013 at a household assistants academy. Sustainable strings of workshop was deemed necessary so women will be able to pay better attention to their bodies and reproductive health. The alarming increase of unplanned pregnancy was also one of our concerns for conducting workshops on sexuality for women.  Over the course, regular workshops weren’t exclusively aimed for women only but for men as well.

Samsara has regular programs to conduct workshops in 4 regencies in Yogyakarta (Sleman, bantul, Kulonprogo and Gunung Kidul) 4 times a month. We mainly focus on rural areas that have not been targeted yet by Public Health Service. So far we have conducted 15 workshops in total.