
Satellite Workshop Visit to Papua and Maluku Regions

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Satellite Workshop

Greetings from the Satellite Workshop team and Travel Activism.

Satellite Workshop is one of the education programs conducted by Samsara that focuses on reaching out to communities outside Java. Satellite names are taken with the consideration that accesses to information and health services based on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (HKSR) is still primarily centered on Java, including the Samsara program and work.

We will travel for eight weeks to several regions in Papua and Maluku. The route that we will take is Jayapura – Biak – Manokwari – Sorong – Ambon – Central Maluku – Buru Islands – North Maluku. For parties who are interested in joining, but outside the route can continue to submit a workshop request by filling out the form provided, or contact the available contact. Our two facilitators will help local communities/organizations to conduct workshops and discussions related to Sexuality and Reproductive Health. They consist of one activist on sexuality and gender issues, and another is a midwife.

This program targets teenagers and women in productive age. We will collaborate with schools, churches, youth communities, communities of nature lovers, non-governmental organizations, and communities or other institutions that involve men. Some of the material prepared for workshops with the community included:

  • Basic Concepts of Sex and Gender, including explaining the differences between the two and how the roles between men and women then contribute to the economy and public health.
  • Reproductive health, a topic that is very popular with teenagers in schools and dormitories. This topic will discuss the phases of puberty, menstruation including Menstrual Hygiene and also about pregnancy.
  • Maternal and Child Health, is a topic that is in high demand by mothers where this topic discusses more health during pregnancy, the choice of giving birth, breastfeeding, contraception including how to involve men or husbands in parenting roles and during pregnancy.
  • Healthy Dating and Positive Body Image is information aimed at teenagers and young women, which discusses the signs of healthy relationships or relationships, Dating Violence (KDP), negotiation and decision making. Besides, this topic will be strengthened through an understanding of positive body image. This topic will invite teenagers and women to build their positive body image without having to rely on body images created by the media.
  • Child Marriage, describes who and what is meant by a child and child marriage, driving factors for child marriage and the impact of child marriage including on the risk of child health.
  • Violence, discusses the types of acts of violence against women and adolescents, including bullying, dating and related information that must be done if violence occurs.
  • Unplanned Pregnancy (KTD), will discuss what choices women have when experiencing KTD and what support is needed, as well as its relation to unsafe abortion.
  • Making Cloth Bandages, this topic is a new topic in this year’s Satellite Workshop. This material will invite participants to make cloth pads by using hand sewing methods using materials that are easy to find at home, such as: cotton cloth (can be used clothes), towel cloth (can be of used towels), needles, threads, paper and pencil.

In addition to the above topics, the Satellite Workshop Team can also provide the special material based on the needs of the local network/community or at the request of the organization to increase the capacity of its staff. Other special topics are (a) Human Rights, (b) SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression) (c) HIV-AIDS (d) Post Miscarriage Care (e) Body Authority, etc.

If the organization/community or individual interested in this program, please submit a workshop request through the following form. Our team will contact you soon.

The Satellite Workshop Team will only provide snacks/lunch for participants during the workshop. There will be no substitute for local transport for participants or fees for the local committee.

General requirement

  • Local communities/organizations active in activities in Maluku and Papua.
  • Have ten or more members.
  • Willing to attend workshops according to the theme chosen by each community.
  • Complete initial data about community profiles and workshop needs.

General Workshop Schedule

Papua: 18 September to 15 October 2018
Maluku: 16 October to 12 November 2018

Registration Deadline

Papua: 4 September to 7 October 2018
Maluku: 4 September to 5 November 2018

If interested, please register the organization/ community/individual in the Satelite Workshop Visit Registration Form (CLICK HERE).

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