Midwives Training for Management and Referral System of Post-Abortion and Postpartum Hemorrhage Care

By 2035, there is an estimated shortage of 12.9 million skilled health care experts globally. Data from the Minister of Health shows that in Indonesia, the number of midwives is four times more than doctors, and 25.6 times more than obstetricians/obstetricians.
Lack of trained service providers, obstacles to policies and regulations, stigma, or conscientious objections is considered to limit the availability of safe abortion and post-abortion care providers in a variety of contexts (Guide to the Role of Health Workers in Provision of Safe Abortion and Post Abortion Contraception Services – World Health Organization, 2015). Therefore, midwives play an essential role in the front row, considering that midwives work directly with women and spread in various places, even in rural areas. By increasing the ability of midwives through training in Post-Miscarriage and Postpartum Bleeding Care, it is expected to reduce maternal mortality rates, especially for women in poverty, unmarried women, and women living in rural areas.
Seeing the importance of the role of midwives in rural areas, Samsara comes with a Midwife Training program for Management and Referral Post-Miscarriage and Postpartum Hemorrhage Care. This training aims to increase the capacity of midwives in North Maluku, especially in Ternate city.
- Minimum graduates of D3 Midwifery Academy
- Age 21-35 years
- Domiciled in Ternate and its surroundings
- Actively practicing midwifery in hospitals, health centers, and independent practices
- Have a positive view of providing services for women
- Willing to attend training for one day at the beginning of November 2018
- Complete [registration form] before 21 October 2018