Discussion with Gunung Kidul Youth on Social Media and Reproductive Health Information

Dear Gunung Kidul Youth, how many hours do you and teenagers at your age spend time on Facebook? Want to know the data?
We Are Social, a British media company in collaboration with Hootsuite, as reported by Kompas, revealed that the average Indonesian spends three hours 23 minutes a day accessing social media. Of Indonesia’s total population of 265.4 million, social media active users reached 130 million.
Facebook is one that is often accessed, especially young people. The average Facebook visitor spends 12 minutes 27 seconds accessing the social network. As many as 92 percent access Facebook via mobile with a percentage ratio based on gender as much as 44 percent for women and 56 percent are male users. Facebook users are dominated by 18-24-year-olds with a percentage of 20.4 percent are women, and 24.2 percent are men.
So, you are active chat, status updates or news viewing also count. Do you access Facebook longer than the above average? Usually, it can be an hour or more, right? Can you get any information during that time? Do you also find out about sexual and reproductive health information, for example about menstruation, pregnancy or healthy dating?
For those of you who are active and like to read and read information on Social Media, we are the Creative Media Samsara Team, willing to invite young people in Gunungkidulan for training and discussion together. The theme is “Social Media and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights”. The purpose of chatting together with this is to learn together and discuss the knowledge / experience of Gunung Kidul youth about reproductive health.
Why do you need to take this training?
The development of internet technology, increasingly has an important role in the process of forming our knowledge, including the knowledge of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (HKSR). These conditions also create a positive impact, although that does not mean that there is no negative impact. With the internet and social media anyone can access any information about HKSR freely. However, the accuracy of information about sexual and reproductive health rights on social media is also increasingly difficult to ascertain its validity. Well, so that we can capture the right news, we need to do this training.
Young people are also very close to information technology and how to access sexual health information. Based on research on technology, youth, and sexual health by TECHsex Youth Sexuality and Health Online, stated that out of 1500 respondents of children aged 13 to 24 years, only 7 percent felt that family was an effective place to learn about sex, sexuality, and reproductive health. In the research report published in 2017, it is stated that the most important online media used to access sexuality and reproductive health information is Google, as many as 21 percent of correspondents. In the second place there is the YouTube platform as much as 38%, WebMD as much as 31 percent, and Facebook as much as 21 percent. Most teenagers are familiar with these media.
Samsara as an NGO who is concerned about the issue of HKSR intends to invite you to discuss and train at the same time. This training is one of the activities of Samsara Creative Media division which generally aims to learn together and discuss knowledge of adolescent experience about reproductive health. In particular, this activity will also evaluate the performance of content creation and information sharing services that have been carried out.
Who can join?
For adolescents in the age range of 17-23 years, who are active in using social media, and domiciled in Gunung Kidul Regency are welcome to join. Interested? For those of you who have free time, please contact us via Instagram (@ associations.samsara), Facebook (Samsara Association) or WhatsApp (081377705411).
When and where?
Record the Date: September 15, 2018. Location of the discussion at Kampung Tani Resto, Jl. Ki Demang Wonopawiro No.16, Ngrebah I, Piyaman, Wonosari, Gunung Kidul Regency.
Registered last September 14, 2018. Selected participants will be confirmed before September 15, 2018.